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Join the market leaders in Blindspot protected Community

As we were able to test the maximum attack bandwith our infrastructure faced in past and it worked, we are confident, that our services will stay operational when our competitors will face outages.

CISO, Dutch Bank

Blindspot's swift DDoS protection deployment has been crucial in bolstering our defenses against constantly evolving cyber threats. Their cutting-edge technology and rapid response capability have significantly enhanced our resilience, ensuring the security of our operations and eliminating downtime which is crucial within our industry.

CISO, Dubai Bank

The Blindspot Solution does not only protect our network but our clients as well. We are able to turn the DDoS protection for them with literally one click in a user friendly Console

CTO, Czech Bank

Swift Deployment

The demo just like the full service is typically deployed within less than 2 hours.

Full-scale Cybersecurity report

The benefit of the Demo deployment is also a full-scale report on the current stage of company’s cybersecurity.

24/7 Support

With top-notch solutions and 24/7 support, we provide our partners with assured uninterapted operations.